Top-BOSS Business Operations Simulation System

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Top-BOSS Business Operations Simulation System, A Gate to Be A Professional Business Manager.

Course Description

On CH1 overview, there are three reference materials, please feel free to download them.

This course is designed to provide students an opportunity to learn and practice the art and science of corporate planning and managerial decision-making . The game allows for participative learning, i.e., team building and choices followed by performance and reward, in a creative way, about efficacious strategic choices. The simulation model uses pure, general, theoretical functions to describe the business relationship.

This system was firstly developed since 1987 and has evolved since many revisions. The latest version is equipped with a full web-based user interface that can be easily accessed through any personal computer browser or mobile devices like smartphones. This helps students develop their proficiency in solving business problems. Because BOSS system runs on the Internet, it does not require the students or faculty to install any application on their own devices. This application has a user- friendly interface and is supported by a database, allowing for detailed analysis of the questions and the quiz results.

The game runs among a number of companies (a minimum of two and up to a maximum of ten in each game). The competition will be carried over a number of periods as planned in advance and controlled by the game administrator. Each game is uniquely identified by a game code and up to no limited numbers of independent games are allowed . Companies compete with one another within the same game and are unaffected by the decisions of companies of other game codes.

BOSS is a single product, one-to-four territories business game. Product is seasonal in demand to be sold in the market. The resource requirements for the production of one unit of product refers to a certain conversation ratio of raw material, plant capacity as well as labor on regular single, two or three shifts. The market consists of four areas (North, Central, South and Overseas), and the factory located in North area in default. Each company develops its own strategy to compete with other companies on equal terms and conditions. The total market for each period, is calculated by area and in total, all decisions take into account of:

  • Selling unit price in each area
  • Marketing expenses in each area
  • Planned production volume and warehouse allocation
  • R&D expense allocated
  • Maintenance expense allocated
  • Equipment investment on production capacity
  • Procurement quantity of raw materials

Macro economy parameters will be set by the facilitator before the game starts

At the start , all companies will begin with the same initial position (all resources are the same for all companies) in sales, marketing and financial aspects. Management teams need to submit their business decisions within time limit for each game period (i.e. one quarter); simulation will only begin when all decisions of joining companies are submitted. Management report , including basic management and financial statements like balance sheet, income statement, cash flow report, production and sales report, market information, etc. will be generated at the end of each round and each company can evaluate their decision performance. With these reports, the team can compare and benchmark the variance between goals and actual performance, and also come to an decision whether or not they need keep pace or make any necessary change in strategy or implementation details to bring them back to targets.

By this iteration process, students can learn the expected course objectives in an intensive way but not at a tremendous high price should any loss happened in real business jungle.

Top-BOSS Business Operations Simulation System
Top-BOSS Business Operations Simulation System
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