Existence of ALLAH with Miracles in 48 Minutes

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Existence of ALLAH with Miracles in 48 Minutes, Claims of Allah | Proof of Allah | Proof of God | Miracles of Allah | Truth of Religion Islam | Holy Quran of Allah.

Course Description

This course is specifically designed for Muslims who struggle with faith in Allah and remain in doubt about His existence. In just 48 minutes, this crash course will provide you with the conviction you need by exploring the relationship between natural science and the claims of Allah mentioned in the ancient book, the Quran.

For centuries, religious leaders and spiritual masters have relied on fairy tale stories and books to prove the existence of God, causing countless fights between believers of different religions. My approach is different and unique: I use miracles as proof and verify the claims of Allah in the Quran by going through nature.

This course is not just for doubtful Muslims, but also for ex-Muslims who have left Islam due to the lack of proof of Allah’s existence. Furthermore, atheists who are searching for evidence of the existence of God, and specifically the God of Islam, Allah, will find it useful for understanding the powers of Allah as the Creator of Science.

The course includes a powerful verse from the Quran, which reads: “Indeed, I AM ALLAH. There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance” (Quran, 20:14). This verse reminds us that Allah is the only God and that prayer is essential for remembering Him.

Enroll in this course today to discover the absolute existence of Allah, the God of Islam and the Holy Mighty King of Universe through clear proofs and extraordinary evidence like never before in history.

Existence of ALLAH with Miracles in 48 Minutes
Existence of ALLAH with Miracles in 48 Minutes
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